A blast from the past...
From humble beginnings in the Deep South as a teenager making patchwork and hand sewn garments in the early 2000’s, to a nomadic life vending across several states, to the current culmination of all that experience into our first physical location - events + community celebration are the heartbeat of our creative operation.
Lorrin (the maker behind Wanderite) has participated in dozens of events coast to coast over the years. Some of our favorites are:
Oregon Eclipse Global Gathering
Prineville, Oregon
Design Lead, Village Witches c/o Envision Festival
Envision Festival
Dominical, Costa Rica
Design Lead, Village Witches
+ featured in the Envision Art Gallery
Lightning in a Bottle Festival
Central California
Build Crew, Meditation Mountain
Witches Conference
San Francisco Botanical Gardens
Girl Gang Craft
Oakland, CA
The Big Crafty
Asheville, NC
Kinnection Campout
Asheville, NC
Sweetwater 420 Festival
Atlanta, GA
Mountain Music Festival
New River Gorge, WV
Lake Eden Arts Festival (LEAF)
Asheville, NC
LAFF (Lexington Avenue Arts Festival)
Asheville, NC
Chattanooga, TN
Steppin Out + Summer Solstice Fest
Blacksburg, VA
(our current hometown!)
Floyd Yoga Jam
Floyd, VA